person pouring coffee at home

Services Overview

The options available for people with support needs and require housing are Supported Housing and Housing First. Temporary accommodation is typically available to homeless people who are deemed to have a priority for assistance by local authorities. Permanent rented housing is provided by local authorities and housing associations (known as social housing) and by private landlords.

Local Authorities

Local Authorities

Supporting Tenants

Supporting Tenants

Women & Family

Women & Family

Women's Only

Women's Only

General Needs Homelessness

General Needs Homelessness

Rough Sleeping

Rough Sleeping

We operate 10 temporary accomodation services and clients typically stay with us for between 1 month and 2 years, although the length of time will vary dependant on each person’s individual need. These temporary accommodation services are distinct in both our approach and the clients who we support.

We deliver women only schemes supporting vulnerable women through their experiences, women and children schemes where clients may have experienced domestic abuse and schemes where we accept clients from a variety of backgrounds, experiences and forms of homelessness.

Each service is unique but our mission and ethos remains consistent. We exist to provide housing support but most importantly kindness.

Services Overview
Citizen's Advice

Citizen's Advice

Confidential, impartial and independent service on a range of issues including housing
Local Authority Housing Team

Local Authority Housing Team

Advice and assistance if you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless


Information on homelessness, finding a place to live, paying for a home, families and relationships, renting and leasing, repairs and bad conditions, eviction and repossession.
Street Link

Street Link

StreetLink exists to help end rough sleeping by enabling members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them.